Tuesday, March 24, 2009

WHY do we have to have all these Darned Kids anyway?

A memorable direct quote from George Bailey in the movie It's A Wonderful Life.

I can't possibly tell you how fun it is to have all these dogs around the house. Well, maybe not all fun and games!

When we went for our walk yesterday morning, Angus was eager to tell us when she had had enough! She sat down by the edge of the road & refused to go any further. There were a few times that she couldn't quite get the hang of a leash, but soon Bravo was running out in front of her, showing her how it is done.

We really appreciate that little boy. He's like an older brother now. Herding everybody around. Telling all the dogs what to do & how to do it. He demonstrates how to get down the deck stairs to Angus. He plays with her & they both enjoy tug-of-war.

But my. Does he get jealous! He will bark & immediately butt into any petting of other dogs.

Bravo is also practicing his Big Top routine. He was walking on the back of the seat in the truck yesterday after our walk. . . and last night he sat on the armrest of the leather couch next to Harriet most of the night.

After our walk, we had to get a few groceries at Spirit Lake. All the dogs were quite well behaved in the truck by themselves for a few minutes.

Had to get up in the middle of the night to potty. On the downside, Angus started whining to go out. Hubby had to sit on the couch as his back was hurting. He dealt with the baby for the rest of the night. So he got little to no sleep. Poor guy.

Angus has a favorite spot to nap in the laundry room corner by hubby's chair. It is so adorable. I think she likes him better than she does me!

One little problem with the "new dog" is that when she potties, she looks like she is sitting down. It's very difficult to see if she is actually sitting or potty-ing! We will work it out. Just requires patience.

1 comment:

Inma said...

The new dog looks terrific, so cute.
Are you sure you're going to be able to part with Angus? It looks to me you are enjoying them all together too much. And Izzy looks really happy with all them. :)

Bravo looks really cute and funny in the video down below. :)

Thanks for sharing the photos and video, and glad to see Harriet getting more confident and happy. :)