Sunday, March 08, 2009


Bravo was enchanted with the snow yesterday and spent a lot of time out on the deck, just gazing out into the woods.

The sun was shining this morning as more snow softly fell. We have an additional 3 inches. Shoveling the decks seems a never-ending occupation.

Hubby's supervisor contacted him the other day and asked him to come in for 1 day this coming week so he can keep his benefits up-to-date. Hopefully the snow will dissipate soon to enable him to return to work full time.

After doing another 45 minutes on the elliptical, I vacuumed, shoveled the decks, then washed the dishes.

Bravo slept with Harriet & myself on the bed last night. Instead of burrowing under the bed into his "fort". He is very NEEDY lately. Seems he misses grandpa. . .

Harriet & Bravo tore around the yard yesterday in the sunshine chasing each other. I convinced them to return after quite a while by offering pig ears. Harriet does not quite care for pig ears yet. Maybe the smell?

Prior to leaving for the weekend, hubby left me cute little cat drawings and notes all over the house. It was sweet finding them these past couple days.


Inma said...

It's a beautiful layout with Bravo as a silhouette, it looks he is looking or waiting for someone to return. Really lovely.
Thanks for sharing it and best wishes.

Theresa said...

awww, love the idea of the cut little cat drawings. Take pics; I'd love to see them!