Friday, October 26, 2007

Bye Bye Fall

It froze out last night. Our little fishies had a thin layer of ice over their water at the top of the barrel. So we turned on the warmer and I poured warm water into the barrel for them.

Greg caught a cold from our friend Joanie. He is going to come home tonight to bed rest asap. But we will see...What he says and what he actually does are two different things!
Yesterday, I vacuumed and cleaned the floor. The carpet cleaner should be here next week to do the loft.

Our countdown is at 46 DAYS! Only 46 days to our EV! Yippee.
I can hardly wait.

No Promises...but I will be working on converting my Freebies soon. So continue to watch. Now that I have DSL, it should be easier to upload to the site.

Pics of the building thus far. All poles are straight & true, the trusses came this morning and concrete will be poured into the holes this afternoon. Tomorrow, the trusses will be raised up onto the poles. Then joist hangers will be nailed up (lots of those...)

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