Friday, April 10, 2009


On eBay, I bid on some vintage, antique quilts. I was sure that I would never win them with such low bids, but sure enough. . .I got two!

One quilt that I had bid upon went well for over $450 and I lost that item. I was totally shocked that a quilt would even sell for that much on eBay with this economy. Just tells you that there are still people out there willing to spend $.

I was trying to replace the antique quilt that hubby's grandmother had given "her boys" when they were young. We had used it when we first moved to Idaho and as it was so old, it just fell apart when used. The first quilt that I won on eBay came the other day and I gave it to hubby as a surprise gift. He was very touched & pleased.

Hubby goes back to work on Monday! Yippee. Well, actually not yippee. He still has lots to do at home, which he will not have time to finish. All his home projects will have to be squeezed into after work hours now. But it is still nice to know that he is going back to an actual paycheck every week and the chance to bid into a different position. Cross your fingers!

So to celebrate his last few days off, we drove up to Sandpoint to visit Wally-World which they were remodeling (we didn't know) and to ride bikes in Dover. It was overcast and was not as pleasant as the past few days have been. It was worth it tho- to walk the dogs, take pics of geese, bike around the area, see the mountains still covered in snow. Hubby also stopped at a couple lumber yards in Sandpoint to drop off his project list for the new building for bids.

We left Harriet home this trip as she has been acting up while in the truck. I don't know if she has developed an aversion to traveling with the other dogs, or gets car sick. She whines constantly. Won't go potty if she is not at home which makes it difficult to travel with her. It almost broke my heart to leave her home. I am calling the dog training school again today. Maybe somebody will answer.

Gave Angus & Bravo the knuckle bones on Tuesday that I had stored in the freezer. They went nuclear! Growling & salivating. Bravo growled menacingly if you even looked at him. He later buried his outside someplace. . . Angus' bone disappeared completely somewhere in this house. Scary. It gave me a couple hours of peace & quiet while they munched away happily.

They took a marathon nap together afterwards.

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