Tuesday, April 28, 2009

44 Pounds

Angus weighed 27.8 pounds the first time we took her into the vet on 27 March. Exactly one month later she now weighs 44.4 pounds! She's a big dog.

Waiting for her shots, she adorably licked Doctor Mike many times on his face. He was quite enchanted with her.

The puppy is now 14.5 weeks old. She only has one more series of shots to go next month. Then we can apply for her county license. At six months, she will be fixed. I just wish they could do it earlier than that because I don't want to endure the mess when she comes "of age".

Her potty training is advancing by leaps & bounds. Official obedience training begins on 5 May!

One thing to note. Saints are notorious for their slobbering (anything worse than Izzy's, I can't imagine!) but we have noticed that Angus keeps her mouth shut & does not slober. Hope she doesn't start.

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