Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Rain & Heat

Joe H dropped off a couple loads of gravel for the drive down by the shop. Winter wreaked havoc and there is a myriad of potholes everywhere down there. Plus, it does not help that guys tear out of the drive with their 4WDs.

It had rained early this morning before we got up. So the grass was all wet. I need to mow in the backyard already again!

Need to tackle the 4 foot tall weeds, too. Ick. Too wet & moldy this year.

Hubby worked late due to all the lightning strikes outing service for people. When he came home, he had picked up the X at Nick's; left his Dodge at Nicks. Brought home a white Jeep on his trailer to work on at the shop. He also worked in the shop until about 9:30.

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