Friday, July 27, 2012

Matt's Bio-Dad & Day on Boat

Got up early 6:30AM and packed everything for the boat. Took Bud with us in the FMF. Stopped on the way to get lattes in Sagle. Drinks were ok, but not as good as last time.

When we got to the marina, we unloaded everything and opened up the boat. Walked Bud around so he could potty. Hubby washed the outside of the boat while I swept up the spiderwebs and wiped everything down inside. We had forgotten to bring the vacuum cleaner; will have to remember it this weekend so we can really clean the carpets.
Hubby, Bud, and I walked down to get ice at the local store, but they were not open until 10:00. We walked back to the boat. It was starting to get hot by now.

Kids got to boat at 10:00. Brought Matt's biological dad, Dan with them who is visiting from Texas. 

We motored down to Bayview, then over to the landslide to look for goats. Did not see any goats. We got hungry and put out sandwiches, chips with guacamole, strawberries from KRN's garden, balled watermelon. Then we continued over to a cove to go swimming with Beebo. Dan stayed on the boat while we swam for over an hour.

Boated up to Hope for dinner. Had burgers around 5:00 at the Floating Restaurant. Dan really liked the whole area. He was quite taken with all the scenery.

KRN and I walked the dogs several times at Hope, then we left to return to Garfield Bay before dark. Finally got back at 8:00. Dan wanted to see our house & shop, so the kids took him in their truck while we took Beebo with us on the return home in the FMF.

Talked with everybody & hubby gave Dan a ride over the big rocks at the pit. They had fun. Then kids left. We unpacked everything & went to bed.

I got up at 6:00AM because I had so much pain in my hands. Crawled into bed with hubby, who was really HOT. The house had been hot all night. Not a comfortable sleep...

We cuddled for a while, then got up at 6:45. Made latte for hubster. He went to work. I watched Dr Who and then went outside to mow.

Got the frontage along the highway all done. Then started doing inbetween the rocks. I mowed for 1.5 hours. Then it got too hot. Picked up more garbage along the highway.

Picked up poo in the the dog yard. Saw a little garter snake.

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