Thursday, August 07, 2014



Got up and made breakfast for dogs & hubby. We all sat on the front deck before hubby went to work. It is quite nicely cool in the mornings.

Hubby left for work and I did chores. Did laundry; dishes; fed fish; filled deer food bowls. Bud came with me outside.

The Baby birds are getting bigger all the time. 

Then took bills down to mail - Propane and Hospital bills. Had almost forgotten to pay them! LOL.

I cleaned out the grille on the deck. Lots of food crap in it.

Dumped garbage cans. Vacuumed.

Hubby got home and had BLT for dinner; then we took dogs for a walk in the park. Maggie is getting slower all the time. Tired. Hurts her to get in the truck after walks so hubby has to help her get in the vehicle.

Hubby mentioned that his father is getting worse in health, that hubby's brother is going down to visit him to do a welfare check.

When we got home, hubby dumped us off and went down to the shop to work until 10PM. I had to take him his work shoes so that he would not wear his Keen sandals into the shop and ruin them.

Went to bed at 11:00 after watching 30 Rock re-runs.


Got up and made breakfast for dogs & hubby. Dogs got sausage in with their eggs. Hubby is still getting his breakfast pizza sliced up. I think we have 2 more slices.

I was restless last night, had to get up twice to potty during the night. I think I drank too much too late.

Sat on the deck for a while before hubby went to work.

Then I did dishes, fed fish, filled deer food bowls, did laundry.

I did some weedeating in the front & back until the damned Craftsman Weedeater died AGAIN. It will have to be returned for a full refund because I refuse to play the trade-in game again. We will purchase a different brand. Obviously Sears does not care about quality anymore.

Then I did the dog bed laundry for Ben, vacuumed upstairs and downstairs, found a damned BIRD in our front window, tried to save it but he won't go into the fish net and just keeps banging into the window where he will eventually die of exhaustion & heat. Stupid bird.

Went to get the mail. Just junk. Couple magazines for hubby.

Hubby got home promptly as 5PM; he got a ladder to get the bird out of the windows, but said he was not there any longer. I did not see the bird fly out. Odd.

Hubby fixed the deck step. Then he went down to work at the shop until 9:30PM. When he came home, he fell asleep on the couch. We went to bed at 10:30.

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