Friday, July 12, 2013

Ben Weighs 101.5


Feeling better and getting out of bed this morning without feeling exhausted. Juice diet is clearing out the poison in my body.

Made latte for hubby and cheese eggs (forgot to thaw the ham!) gave the dogs a few pieces of steak as their early morning snack instead.

Hubby left and I did dishes & laundry.

Paid bills.

I am back to exercising again on the elliptical.

Took Ben to the Vet for a re-check on his ears. Bud rode with us and stayed in the car for the few minutes we were inside. Ben weights 101.5. The left one was still bothering him and had ear yuck in it, so Dr Mike put a little more BNT ointment in his ear.

Ben at the Vet
He will NOT stand still

We came home again. The boys raced into the house thru the garage door entry.

Bud is happy not to be at the Vet

The water is still running in the ponds to filter it out. Might turn it off tonight.

Hubby came home at 6:00 and met with people down at the shop; He finally got home at 6:45 and ate a brief dinner, then took Bud & Izzy down to the shop with him.

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