Tuesday, May 08, 2012

Busy Tuesday

Picked up dog poo, Picked up electrical cords.

Refilled deer food in the woods.  Picked up dead branches on the ground. Bud walked around with me, my ever faithful shadow...

Washed my hair & used hot iron to straighten it.

Cleaned & washed FMF on the inside. Windows, Clorox wiped everything.

Changed clothes. Real warm today with sunshine.

Took Bud & Bit with me to town.

Dropped off donation at Goodwill.
Deposited Income Tax Refund checks at bank.
Washed car & got white coffee granita.
Picked up more Bailey's for hubby at Liquor Store.
Got local honey at store on Hayden & 95.

Drove to Rathdrum to get hubby's drug prescription. Showed off Bud to the girls there. They just adored him!
Got cheeseburgers at McDonalds. All the attendants there were going wild over Bud. He is such a great dog.
Went to the high school and took Bit & Bud for a walk. Then gave them water with a cheeseburger.

They waited in the car while I tanned & did red light therapy. Got my nail polish from Rhonda that I had forgotten the other day. Made tanning appointments for the rest of the week.

Drove home & unloaded all the groceries & purchases. Gave dogs their cheeseburgers. Bit & Harriet got baths.

Hubbby came home at 6:00 after getting Dasani water, aspirin & strawberries at Walmart.

He ran down to shop to work for a while.

I ordered new shoes for mother's day on the internet. Paid Propane rental bill. Then ordered Shedding Formula pills for dogs from GNC.

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