Thursday, July 14, 2011


We have 5 dogs. I pick up their poo everyday so they have a clean area. They have access to fresh water outside in a large barrel and 3 inside bowls inside available. They are fed quite well.

My dogs are licensed, vaccinated, and chipped. 

They have over 1 acre of fenced area to roam around upon and another 20 acres that are non fenced. Bud & Isabelle are the only ones that I can trust outside the fence. Usually they wander down to the shop to be with daddy.

I play with them daily. Usually we race around the house or toss balls outside. They love it when I walk with them outside.

My dogs are groomed by a professional groomer that I have total trust & faith in. They regularly have baths & their toenails are cut before they grow too long. I brush them at home so that they do not have matted hair.

Most of them go everywhere with us. They go to the dog park, they go shopping with us, they go for walks with us.

In the rare times that they have to be left at home, when we return they greet us like long lost friends that are so excited to see us after such a long time.

Two of them sleep with us. Not only is it warm at night, it is also comforting to have their trusting little bodies scooted up to us so closely.

The hubby and I usually manage to take them walking on both days of the weekend and more often during the week in the summer.

They see the vet as often as they need to for shots & misc visits. If they exhibit signs of illness or injury, we immediately taken them to the doctor.

I love my dogs. That is why I have them. It is enjoyable to see their joy in life, their excitement and their love. they bring me happiness.

My dogs are not starved, ignored, chained, beaten, or abused.

They are healthy, happy specimens of canine life.

It's a dog's life!

Took Harriet our Boxer to the Vet today for a pocket of infection on her lower left jaw. Dr Mike prescribed antibiotics & warm wet compresses.

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