Saturday, March 19, 2011

What a Day!

KRN came over Friday night. She brought Sonic. I fed most of mine to dogs. We watched recorded TV shows - Archer, Hereafter (staring Matt Damon).

Early morning Saturday for lattes - Jen Bunny was serving. Talked to her for a while. She was having a wild day; lots of customers & lots of tips!

Then down to wild dog walk. Stupid idiot in a Toyota decided to come speeding down the dead-end road (most probably to do meth.what a freak) Thank GOD that hubby was there & carrying. The idiot tried to run over our dogs & did not even try to stop - not even when I stepped in front of his vehicle. Picked up poor Lil Bit so he would not get run over. Harriet continued to bite at the tires until the idiot was far, far away. She finally came running back. Stupid guy that even when he sees a vehicle parked, & people walking he is speeding. Stupid drug freaks. I wish they would all die. They are not worth saving. As a taxpayer, I do not appreciate spending my hard earned money supporting them.

Afterwards, we picked up KRN's coffee from Deralee, then took dogs home. Hubby went to shop. KRN & I went shopping. WalMart (hate the Hayden one-no stock. stupid stock) Costco Gas (long long lines) Costco, (where a mother tripped upon her own feet to fall over her kid whose head slammed into concrete in a vain attempt to get her purse that she had stupidly forgotten in her cart!) Big Lots (stank-left immediately) 50% Off Card Store (KRN got RedWhite&Blue flag napkins) Latte Stand (Pina Colada Strawberry Jet Tea) Wendy's (rotten chicken sandwiches with no tomatoes & burgers for dogs). At home I made printed labels for Red White & Brew for KRN's muffins & cookies.

KRN left at 5:00 to go spend overnight with her friend in Sandpoint. Left Beebo for grandpa & grandma to babysit.

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