Sunday, February 06, 2011

Superbowl Sunday Not

 Hubby had a horrible nosebleed. He said his heart started racing. He sat down for about half an hour with an ice pack before we went to walk the dogs. Dogs were uber excited as they ran around with their harness' on.

I drove the dodge. Hannah was working today. Her mom showed up to spend time with her there. We got lattes, then went down to Farragut Park. We walked the dogs into the park & took off their leashes so they could run around. Saw a disemboweled deer. It was horrible. At first hubby thought it looked like garbage. Icky.

 angus at the park

We returned home where hubby rested on the couch & watched his car shows for the balance of the day while I worked on the SECOND Valentine's day garland. I started on the third one today, also. We did not watch the Superbowl.

Valentine's Day garland

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