Tuesday, November 28, 2023



Awake at 5AM in bed. Pet Wilson, Pet Sage. Sage purrs. Hubby wakes up. We talk and pet the dogs. 

Then we get up at 5:30AM. Hubby lets the dogs out. I dressed and went to the kitchen to make eggnog latte for Hubby, tea/Nanogreens for myself.

Hubby feeds the dogs. I put out milk/cheese for the cats. 

I put dirty clothes in washer. I put away clean dishes. I clean the counter and put dirty dishes in dishwasher. 

Hubby sits on the sofa to watch some TV. I transfer $ from Quickbooks to Bank.

Then I do bookwork.

Hubby cleans cat litter. 

The garbage truck comes to dump the garbage. Ours was overflowing this week.

I vacuum cat litter & armoire. 

Hubby leaves for the shop at 8:30AM. He brings in the garbage can and puts it behind the fence.

I steam clean the floors. I put grout clean on the bathroom floor. It cleans up the grout a LITTLE. 

I put the dirty steam clean pads in the washer. I put away clean dishes from the dishwasher. 

I make more tea and sit down. 
Did more bookwork. Paid credit card bills. Donated $ to Noahs Arks Rescue. 
I plugged in Dave's wreath on the front door and all the lights popped the breaker again. I went outside to switch the breaker, but found Amy & Warren walking down the street to tell me that we had a huge water leak in the front yard. It seemed to be coming from the water main box and a little bubble from the driveway. 

So I called Hubby and he would not answer his phone. So I called Casey and he would not answer his phone. I called Hubby back and he finally answered. I asked him how to turn off the water. I turned everything off inside and outside. I tried to switch the breakers, but nothing came back on.

Hubby finally got home and the leak had already stopped. He looked at everything and switched the GFCI on the inside of the garage.

We figured that Dave's lighted wreath is shorting everything out so we took the wreath down. 

Hubby made himself dinner.

We submitted an invoice to Century Claims for payment for a customer claim. 

Watched TV for a while.

Hubby argued with me about the lights after they went off again. Finally, he went out to the garage and re-set the breaker. 

I went to bed at 8:30AM after taking Melatonin. Dogs & Sage came to bed with me. Hubby came to bed at MIDNIGHT after I got up to potty and asked him if he was coming to bed.

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