Saturday, February 16, 2019



I got up at 7AM. Hubby was already up and sitting watching automotive shows on TV.

He made eggs for dogs & a burrito for himself.

I made lattes. Mini quiches & sausage for myself.

We ate while watching morning news.

Then we cleaned up and started dishwasher. Started laundry. Picked up dog & cat poo. Started vacuuming.

We drove to St George by 11AM. (It was Noon in St George).

Went to the Music Store and actually met some other people that were going to be joining the Ukulele Club. We talked to the owner about taking lessons. He said that he would email us the information. We tried out different Ukes. I found that I wanted the smaller size, Soprano. Hubby found a brand he liked - Eddy Finn.

Drove over to Home Depot and walked dogs. We picked up paint for the Oar, Laundry Detergent, Softener, 3 pieces of Drain pipe. Hubby forgot the drain pipe inside Home Depot, so he had to pull up and go get it.

We then went to Wendy's and got burgers for the dogs & us. We were getting hypoglycemic.

Afterwards, we drove back to the Music Store to buy the Uke that hubby found. I will get one online.

We stopped at Harmon's to get Diesel and walk dogs again. A nice attendant came out to talk to us.
He was very friendly.

Then we drove to Michael's. Hubby dropped me off while I shopped. They did not have much in stock. I went over to Pier One to see if they had anything. Too expensive.

I walked out to the Dually. We drove home. Lots of traffic at 4PM.

At home, we unloaded groceries.

Fed Ex, Nick, dropped off the Mini Blinds for our bedroom. 

Decided not to spend money to eat at Gregory's in the Eureka for the Valentine's special. We were tired.

Watched TV. Went to bed at 10PM.

It was raining.

Got really cold overnight.

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