Wednesday, October 23, 2019


OCTOBER 22 2019

Got up at 6:00AM. Hubby had already been up. He was making eggs for the dogs.

Really dizzy when I got up this morning, as usual.

I got dressed and Hubby fed the dogs. I made the bed.

I made lattes.

We sat on the sofa to eat breakfast.

At 8:30, we went down to Mesa View Medical Group. I had to wait behind a dumb older man and woman that were discussing HOW TO WRITE DOWN THEIR NAMES ON THE CHECK-IN LIST!!! Finally, the guy put his name down and moved aside...about 7 minutes it took him to to this! I forgot my health insurance card at home. The check in desk girl reminded me that I NEED IT EVERY TIME I CHECK IN. WHY? They have it on file? Dumb ass rules.

Sat down with Hubby and waited to be called back. There was a Hispanic nurse that had me come back instead of the regular girl. Wonder what happened to regular nurse?

I had lost 20 pounds after weighing myself. I failed to ask how my BP was, and the nurse did not offer the info. She was very quiet, bordering on rude?

Got in the room and had to repeat my symptoms AGAIN. Doesn't anybody write this shit down?

Had to wait for the Doctor. Finally, got to see the Doctor and he asked AGAIN. What are your symptoms?

He did the regular overall-body check. When it came to my eyes following his finger, my right eye wiggled when it moved along with his finger. HE FREAKED OUT!

So immediately, he does not know what it is, but suspects Neurological, Thyroid, or Brain. Yippee.

He orders blood tests. Leaves the room and comes back with blood test orders.

We leave.

Since I require my Insurance card and don't have it, we instead go down to buy dog food at Animal Farm, True Value. The little girl is there and we say it doesn't stink! She says the owner of the building who lives in Oregon told them to put air-fresheners up and open the doors. What an ass. They finally insisted he fix the sewage smell.

We buy dog food from there and then go over to the $1 store where I find bath/foot salts, Hubby buys candy, we buy some more Awesome-O cleaner.

Drive over to Walmart, where somebody has finally fixed the leaking water pipe at the top of the parking lot.

We buy milk, orange juice, chicken tenders for dogs. I get a pumpkin to carve.

Then we head back to the house to let the dogs out to potty. I feed them chicken tenders.

We put them in the kennel again and head out. Have to stop at the Pioneer Center to pick up the other Zappos shoes in the Dually that Hubby never mailed last week!

Some Recreational Vehicle (newly purchased. no license) parked WAY too close to Hubby's truck & Garry's trailer. Hubby was upset that they might drive over the trailer on their way out, so he moved the truck & trailer to the end of the lot.

Bizarre Parking

Then we go to the Mesa View Medical Group again and I check in to get my blood drawn. We have to wait 40 minutes. Then there is a mistake when some other guy is called before me. The lady that is doing the blood draws is older (Rita from Mesquita; ha ha) and I am somewhat scared that she will mix up the paperwork. Finally, she figures it out and I get called back. She gets 3 vials of blood. Needle prick is not bad. We are gone 10 minutes later.

Drive to UPS to drop off Zappos return boxes. Hubby takes them over. I go to the Thrift Shop at the end of the strip mall. The thrift shops stinks. I go thru and don't find anything.

We drive back home. On the way home, a Rescue Vehicle running lights & sirens with a HUGE HONKA Noise goes past us ON THE OPPOSITE SIDE OF A 4 LANE DIVIDED ROAD. Mesquite Boulevard. Normally, intelligent people will not stop as it is not needed, according to STATE LAW. Everywhere. BUT...this DUMB BITCH. Slams on her brakes hard and cuts in front of us to STOP. Hubby almost hits her, but avoids it at the last possible second by hitting the brakes hard, throwing us against the windshield (thank god for seatbelts) as he pulls hard right. FUCKING line of cars behind us and in front of us are all in the right lane stopped for this fucking emergency vehicle. Oh My God. People here are THAT STUPID???

The only time that you don't have to stop, is if the emergency vehicle is on the other side of the roadway and the road is divided by a concrete barrier or a median of some type.

Never slam on the brakes and stop in the middle of the road when you see apparatus approaching. You are not required to slow down or pull over for emergency vehicles that are responding in the opposite direction on a divided freeway or highway.

Oh My God. We learned this in Driving 101. In High School. About 40 years ago. And the law has NEVER changed. But people are Stupid. Stupid. Stupid.

When Hubby passed her, she had her window down and I screamed 'WHAT THE FUCK' at her, but she was STILL on her cell phone. Stupid Bitch.

At home, we sit with the dogs until 3:30PM. Hubby had been napping on the sofa. I wanted to walk Wilson, but trying to get his harness on him, we run out of time.

We get dressed. Jeans and sweather with black shoes for me. I think it will be cold on the water...Hubby wears jeans & blue check shirt. He takes his sweatshirt and I take my sweater.

We go over and wait in chairs at the Pioneer Center. According to the front desk "somebody will be here to check you in" she vaguely states.

We wait and finally there are people gathering. We go to get on the bus and somebody is there, taking names. The woman cannot find our names, but finally does.

We sit in the back of the huge bus. Yolanda is our driver. A chubby black woman who is loud and happy.

Announcements on the bus. Then we get going promptly at 4PM. A 1 hour ride to Las Vegas, then 1 hour rush-hour traffic stop & go all the way to the Lake Mead Marina. It is SO pathetic. They have moved the marina out more and more and more because of the lack of water.

We are handed old, gross, pink Lake Mead cruise tickets which we turn over to the "photographer" 1 minute later. WHY are they still taking pictures before doing any adventure? Do people really buy these crappy touristy photos when one can take FREE selfies before boarding? It was MANDATORY to stop and have your photo taken. I hate that. 


 Pink Disgusting Used Boarding Pass

It is completely dark by the time we board the boat. Other buses are there. We are on the bottom deck and have no view of anything! Might as well have been in a warehouse.

We get going and the servers come around. They take our drink orders, I stay with water. Hubby gets a Bloody Mary. His drink looks awful.

The salad was boring. Boiled eggs cut in half thrown on cut up lettuce. Hard bread with even harder butter.

We sit across from a nice couple who introduce themselves- Al & Toni. We make conversation, but it is SO loud and I cannot understand anything.

Our food comes out. Hubby has a thick cut of prime rib. Mine is as thin as paper! I eat mine, but there is no flavor and the color is an off-grey. Yuck. Hubby cannot even cut his prime rib because it is rubber. I eat my vegetables and the potatoes are not bad. Not worth anything we paid for this. We order coffee to warm up because IT IS SO DAMN COLD ON THE INSIDE OF THE BOAT, EVEN WITH ALL THE PEOPLE IN THE ROOM. There were over 50 people on the bus and about 20 more people on the side tables of the boat.

We finally go outside after dinner as I see us rounding up on the DAM. It is dark, but you can dimly see the sides of the canyon and the DAM is lighted.

Too many people are smoking outside. GOD DAMN PEOPLE. QUIT YOUR FUCKING SMOKING. IT IS SO GROSS.

We go back inside after talking on the top deck for a while. We had a so/so cake dessert. As we walked down from the top of the deck of the boat, I saw that the people on the upper dining room have HUGE pieces of cake. Ours are tiny when we get back to the table. Hubby asks for his dinner to go as he will give his to the dogs at home.

We dis-embark when we arrive back to the Marina. As a Sun-City group, we line up on the side of the waiting area for the Bus to come and it arrives, bringing dust from the lack of pavement. We are covered in dust. Cough, Cough.

This has NOT been an enjoyable time at all. Then we face a 2 hour ride back home.

The lights of Vegas are pretty. Time to observe as we are neither of us driving. Hubby is napping.

There is an envelope that is passed around to put a tip into for the Bus Driver, Yolanda. (who has her grandma's diamonds from a wedding band drilled into her teeth as she tells us, call me - Diamond!)

A couple of the men on the very back of the bus continue talking loudly even though it is dark inside the bus and most people are trying to nap. These men finally stop talking as we are leaving Vegas.

At 11PM, we arrive at the Pioneer Center. We say goodbye to Al & Toni who sat in front of us on the bus.

Then we drive the short way home.

We let the dogs out to potty. No havoc there. No pooping or peeing in kennel. They were extremely good for that entire time we were gone. But Rattler has kicked his curved scratcher onto the floor in the kitchen. Bad cat.

At the end of the night, I have a big, huge, blister on my right toe from the stupid shoes I wore. 

We watch TV for a few minutes and go to bed at 11:30PM.

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