Tuesday, October 15, 2019



Got up at 7AM. Hubby was already up and making eggs for the dogs.

He fed the dogs while I tried to clean the bed stains, tore off the sheets and put them in the laundry, vacuumed cat litter, and picked up dog poo.

Hubby had put the garbage dumpster out last night, so I put more of our garbage into it this morning.

Then I made lattes.

We sat on the back patio while the dogs barked at people walking past.

I had to come inside to fix the Roomba that had gotten stuck again.

Put away laundry.

Garbage man came at 9:30AM.

We went to Coffee House Music in the Expedition today at 10:30AM down at the Pioneer Center. Then Dave & Carmen came by to talk with us at the very end. We walked outside to talk so we would not disturb anybody.

Hubby did not want to drive the Dually with the Camper on it all day.

Dave & Carmen were heading to St George, so Hubby asked them to pick up tiny horseshoes for us so he could making horseshoe rocking chairs.

Horseshoe Rocking Chair
We went back home to check on the dogs. When we first left, they were in the backyard; but we came back and put them in the kennel.

Drove to have lunch at Eureka in order to use our free $15 gift certificates from last month's Slot Tournament. Ate at Mason Street Courtyard Buffet and had Soup, Salad, and Potato Bar. It was good. But I think we got sick from the food.

Went over to The Virgin River Casino to use my $7.75 that I had won last time, but it had expired. Damn. Hubby played with his "points" that he won on the card entry. I got a free hot dog on my card entry.

Hubby initially won $15 but decided to keep playing and lost it all.

We then drove around, went to Scenic to see property, stopped to get lottery tickets.

Came back at 2:30PM to The Eureka to play the Slot Tournament. We both lost.

 Lost At Slot Tournament

Drove back home and let dogs out. We were both too tired to do anything. I took a nap on the sofa while Hubby talked on the phone to Joe back in Idaho. They talked for a long time.

I took a hot bath when I woke up because everything hurt.

We watched TV for a while. Sat on the patio with the dogs. Then decided to get groceries at 7PM.

Went to Walmart and got groceries. Picked up bath salts, fabric to cover the Craft Table on Thursday, and lights to put out on the table.

Came back home. Put groceries away. Watched The Boondock Saints. Hubby fell asleep on the sofa. Went to bed at 10PM.

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