Friday, August 08, 2014

Maggie Sick


I did not sleep well last night at all. Up all night. First hot, then cold. Had to pee several times. I am drinking too much before bed... Felt that the bed was too uncomfortable.

Got up and made breakfast pizza for hubby and eggs for dogs. Maggie had trouble coming down the stairs. She had slept on my side of the bed all night long.

Maggie refused to eat eggs this morning and was drinking massive amounts of water. Which is not usual for her. She is a water camel.

Sat on the deck for a while until hubby had to leave.

I started washing clothes, started dish washer, went out to feed the deer with Bud. Fed the fish.

Internet is still not working very well. Hubby is supposed to put in a trouble ticket for us today.

Hubby came home at 6:00 and had brought deer food; he dropped it off. I filled the deer bowls again. Then hubby went down to the shop to work for a while. He came home later and we went to bed.

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