Monday, August 11, 2014

Banana Bread


Got up at 6:00 and made eggs for dogs; Maggie is doing better but won't eat eggs still. Heated a slice of Quiche up for the hubby.

Sat on the deck and enjoyed the fresh air (with a little bit of smoke in the air, also.)

Hubby left for work at 7:00.

Bud helped me put out food for the deer; I fed the fish.

Did laundry & dishes.

Made banana bread with the 3 old bananas.

Hubby came home around 5:00; I warmed him up some banana bread with strawberries & blueberries on the side.

Hubby took a nap on the couch. It was overly hot today; in the 90s-100s most everywhere.

When hubby woke up, I made him cold beans, egg salad, and heated a grilled ham & cheese sandwich with 3 different cheese & onions.

We watched Top Gear for a while.

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