Tuesday, November 10, 2020


I woke up at 5:30AM, but stayed in bed until 6:30AM. Cats were making noise in the kitchen. We both decided to get up.

Hubby made breakfast eggs for the dogs. I made lattes & Nanogreens.

Hubby vacuumed. I went to pick up dog poo. Hubby put away clean clothes from the dryer.

Wilson had pooped in the front room, probably last night when he jumped off our bed. The poop had hardened already.

Hubby had already put garbage can out last night, but the garbage truck did not come until 9:30AM. Our neighbors parked a blue mini van in front of our yard. Dogs barked at it.

I started doing books. Then I had to give fresh food & water to the dogs. Put fresh water out for the birds. 
I started Roomba and then had to clean it after it was done in our bedroom. Hubby helped vacuum it out.

Hubby had opened all the doors in the house even though it was FREEZING outside. He wanted "fresh air".

Casey came at 10AM to pick up Hubby.

I kept doing books. Let the dogs in and out. Made french toast sticks, but they tasted like crap. Gave them to the dogs.

My heart rate was up to 100 all day today and I did not feel good. Casey was supposed to come over tonight to cook steaks, but I did not feel good and texted Brandy to cancel.

I crocheted. 

Fell asleep on the sofa while sitting up. Reminded me of the time right after surgery when I fell asleep on the sofa and could not do anything.

Hubby finally got home at 5PM. I took a nap after he got home. He made himself dinner. 

Turned on the fireplace as Hubby said he was cold.

We watched the Amazon Prime show UPLOAD. It was good.

Went to bed at 10:30PM.

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