Friday, November 27, 2020



Up at 3AM. I heard Hubby coughing a lot. So I got him some water and made him take more Vitamin D. I took more Vitamin D and went back to bed.

Up at 6AM and Hubby gave me another couple Benadryl because I was sneezing, coughing, runny nose. I slept until 9AM when I heard him on the phone talking to the guy that wants a new engine.

I got up and made lattes. I made Eucalyptus tea for both of us. Hoping this is not Covid. 

I had sausages. We watched TV news for a while. I laid down on the sofa and took another nap with the blanket on me.

I got up and did stuff around the house. Put dishes away, cleaned up breakfast dishes. Made the bed. Gave fresh water to the birds. Picked up Wilson poo out in the yard.
Hubby got the 2nd shelf done in the armoire. He will finish it with a matching varnish later. 

I made appointments for us to do the drive-thru Covid-19 testing at the Fire Department next Thursday.

Then at 2PM, we left and took Wilson over to the Doggy park to see if he could play with a friend. But nobody was in the large park. We went to the little dog area, but Wilson refused to play with the little dogs. 

Finally, a Husky named Koda with his owner, an older woman came and Wilson ran around with him for a little while. We really tried to get them to play, but neither one of the dogs wanted to play.

We left and took our laundry over to the laundry mat. We loaded them in three washers. It was $2.00 each washer, I did not have enough quarters, so Hubby had to get change. 

We drove me to the nail place. Only supposed to have 2 people in the shop and there was me, another woman with Andy's mom, and 2 women sitting on the sofa. I was nervous. Did not feel good anyway. 

Got my nails done. Hubby had gone over to the shop and talked with Lupe about doing the engine swap with the guy. Hubby picked me up at 3:45PM. We went to get the clothes out of the laundry. Wilson and I waited in the truck while Hubby got the laundry in bags. 

We drove to Walmart to get milk and egg nog. Ran into Scott there. He had gotten a new car - a Ford Escape in dark rootbeer color that looked black in the light. It had flecks of red, green, gold and brown. Looks really great.

Shopped in Walmart. Got donut-bites, milk, eggnog, bread. 

Drove home. I unloaded Wilson. He had to go potty badly and I let him out the door. He drank lots of water outside. I went potty and started putting things away. I gave Wilson some turkey because he was hungry for a treat. 

Hubby did not come in for a while. He was outside talking with our neighbor Norm, who was driving his car around. Hubby brought in the rest of the groceries. 

There was a box from UPS on the front door step. It is our new control panel from LG for the washer! Hubby said he would install it tomorrow.

Outside, I plugged in the blue lights and the blow-up dog that we got from Walmart. We will put up the lights on the back fence tomorrow.

Hubby and I put away the three loads of laundry after drying them in our dryer that still works!

I made turkey sandwich and Hubby made one for himself. We sat and watched HOUSE until 7PM. Hubby then watched his own shows.

I took a Benadryl and went to bed at 8:30PM.

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