Monday, August 12, 2019



I got up at 6:30AM. Hubby got up at the same time and let the puppies out.

We made breakfast for puppies. I had the last of the watermelon.

Went outside to pick up poo and the guys from SW Awnings were already here, bringing in their tools. Puppies almost escaped and I had to carry Wilson inside and convince Tater to follow me. We put the dogs in their kennel so they would not bark. We closed the mini blinds on both sides of the living room.

Back Of House Awnings

The guys finished the Courtyard awning. It looks like a spaceship coming out of the side of the house! It has a huge curve in the ends and Hubby had them install it as high as possible.

 Courtyard Awning

Hubby had called to make an appointment in St George at Save Dental, I had researched it and the reviews on the internet said they were cheap and friendly.

FedEx (Ron) delivered a box from Amazon; our shower extension arm (which was too short) and a cover for the grille (which Hubby convinced me to return as Tater would eat it). So we had to return everything.

After hubby had tried the installing the too short extension arm in the shower, we had to box everything up; I made a return UPS tag and hubby taped everything up.

We got the dogs loaded in the Dually and drove to the Shipping Store. I took the box in and talked to the lady there.

Then we stopped to wash the truck at the car wash; while hubby washed the truck, I walked the dogs to pee & poo.

We finally left by 11:30PM and drove thru the Gorge. There was no traffic back-ups, so we moved quite quickly thru the Gorge.

Dropped the dogs off at Red Rocks Doggy Day Care. They took all Tater's info and were quite confused by the change of name.

Hubby and I went directly to find the Dentist as because of the time change, it was past 1PM. Hubby was hungry. We drove thru Smith's grocery, but could not find parking so went to a drive-in named Iceberg Drive In. Yuck. Nice greasy french fries, Hubby ordered a greasy hamburger which he took 2 bites. We had to find shade to park within and drove to the Mormon Temple in the middle of town. They were coming out from services and giving us dirty looks for parking there.

I had ordered a Malt, thinking that it would be cool to drink, but what they gave us was two huge cup within a cup of 10" of gross ice cream (tasted like a frosty). It kept melting over the edge of both cups. I dumped out most of mine and then had a couple bites. It was awful. Not a malt at all!

Don't go there. Yuck.

Then we drove to the dentist. I waited while Hubby went inside.

When he came out, they reviewed the price with him (too expensive). He ended up not getting any antibiotics, they did NOT pull the tooth. I was so upset. I wanted to get this done with and over!

So we drove to Costco to pick up Clorox wipes, Watermelon, Chicken, Shrimp Ring, Dishwash Pods, and XXXX

Drove to Hurricane to pick up Hubby's new Rockzilla tires for the UTV.

Hubby wanted a latte, but it was 4PM by St George time and the latte place that we stopped at in Hurricane was just closing. Very disappointing. Just wanted a cold drink.

Back to Red Rocks Doggy Day Care to pick up the boys. I could hear Wilson squealing behind the door. Tater & Wilson were all happy. Wilson drank and drank and drank water when he got outside. Hubby fed them his hamburger.

We drove home. A slight stop and slow down at the last curve in the gorge which was having construction work.

Stopped at the new Pilot in Littlefield, AZ to pick up Lottery Tickets. A young guy approached the truck and asked to take a picture of the new Rockzillas. He was the one that was staring at us while we drove thru the Gorge. Obviously, he was staring at the Tires in the back of the truck bed!

At home, the boys went out to potty and drank lots of water.

Then they both passed out and slept the rest of the night.

I took a hot bath and then took a nap in the bedroom until 9PM.

I got up to watch Food in America on the History Channel. We went to bed at 10:30PM.

Dogs were VERY tired. Barely able to walk into the bedroom.

We set the alarm for 3AM so Hubby could get up and  take his antibiotics.

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