Thursday, April 03, 2014

Early Days


Up early at 5:30AM. Hubby decides he needs to go in for work early so he doesn't have to work so late at night.

I made breakfast sandwich & eggs for dogs.

He left and I tried to go back to bed. No such luck. Had to feed fish. Cleaned up dishes. Did laundry. Cleaned up dog bowls.

Bud & Maggie came with me outside to feed deer; they took off into the woods to sniff out neat things.

Isabelle had to go outside to potty another 3 times.

Ben walks on a leash with me down to get mail.

Decided to wash dog bedding.

Isabelle & Ben sleep in the library while I am trying to do Taxes. They FART. A lot. It is awful stinky. I need to leave the room several times.

I exercise for 1 hour.

Hubby comes home and has dinner. He brings up my white rocking chairs for the deck.

We watch a couple tv shows, then go to bed exhausted at 10:00. These early hours suck.

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