Wednesday, May 15, 2013

No Rain Today


Just overcast & cold today.

Made hubby his eggs, but had the heat on too high to warm up the house and the eggs burnt. Fed those to the dogs instead.

I made hubby new eggs and a latte. Then he left for work but came back a few minutes later because he had forgotten his glasses.

Afterwards, I did the dishes and laundry. Vacuumed in the afternoon. Made pea salad for hubby and cut up strawberries. Cooked sausage to add to the breakfast eggs tomorrow.

Pea Salad for hubby

When hubby came home at 5:30, I made a spaghetti dinner with sausage sauce, garlic bread.

Hubby worked in the shop.

I hurt all over and am extra tired, but can't sleep.

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