Tuesday, May 14, 2013

No Rain, but Colder


Hubby said that when he stopped to get a latte at the espresso place in town that Deralee is selling it to somebody new. Which is probably why there was a new girl that served KRN and I on Sunday.

I made egg sandwich & latte for hubby this morning. Still not getting sleep. I need to take a couple Melatonin to sleep all the way thru the night. I woke up at 2AM today and then went to sleep on couch downstairs. After I got uncomfortable at 4AM, I went upstairs to sleep with Maggie.

Did the laundry and dishes after hubby was gone.

Dogs stayed inside most of today. They did go out in the sunshine later in the afternoon.

I took a nap later.

Maggie & Lil Bit slept together.

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