Monday, December 24, 2012



Unfortunately, hubby has to return to work today. Christmas day he will be off!

So after getting up with Ben several times last night, I finally got back to sleep at 2AM until hubby woke us up at 6AM. It had snowed about six inches, so he had to get up early to shovel.

I shoveled the front deck so the dogs could go down the stairs for potty.

Then I started breakfast. Made egg sandwich & latte for hubby. He gave the dogs their pills.

Hubby had shoveled off the back deck. He left...but had to return because he forgot his company cell phone!

I took KRN's final Xmas cards to the mailbox along with Maggie & Bud. They had fun running thru the deep snow.

Then I walked back to the house, made more Birthday cake fudge and marshmallow rice krispies for treats.

Also did more laundry & dishes.

Started wrapping Xmas presents. Listened to Xmas music.

Xmas presents under our Xmas tree

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