Tuesday, August 19, 2008


While watching Olympic coverage Monday night on TV, I got up to check my email on the computer. I was sitting at my desk in the library and started to smell smoke. As the temperatures had still not cooled off much beyond 85F degrees, it was very odd that somebody would be having a fire.

Calling the hubby, we went outside onto the deck and as it was pitch dark, I grabbed the spot-light. Light ASH was falling from the sky and the smell of grass fire smoke was thick in the air. The clouds overhead was actually smoke. It was horrendous! Hubby dialed 9-1-1. They informed him they had received 100s of calls and all of them related to the fires in Washington. Fallout from the fires had traveled via the high winds from a coming storm with wind gusts of up to 70mph!

The dog ran downstairs to hide in the spare bedroom. She was down there for about an hour until I went to find her. Poor puppy. She is so sensitive.

We watched the news and waited for the storm to pass.

Hubby woke me early Tuesday morning by shooting yet another squirrel! Hubbers called our daughter to talk to her about Matt's appointment to Fairchild AFB in 2009 - After arising so early, went to get my nails done, (Greg called his dad and talked for over an hour!) then drove to Silver Mountain only to find that they were closed due to adverse weather. Returning to Rose Lake, we passed by the Elk ranch -alas, no pics :( and continued onto Bull Run trailhead. Isabelle actually ran sans leash for about 4 miles! She is getting in such great shape. Hubby and I continued our bike ride for another 10.2 miles after that.

We came back to CDA to pick up a KFC Famous bowl (they gave him a cup instead- another online complaint for KFC) for Greg & Wendy's bacon cheeseburgers for the dog. Home after the long day to kick up our feet so we can watch more Olympics.

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