Saturday, April 19, 2008

Happy Krappy

All it does is snow around here. I think I remember a movie about where it blew dust on the prairie so much one year that a mother literally went insane and killed her whole family.

Not that I'm at THAT point yet. But I can identify with that temporary insanity.

Will it ever quit snowing. Will it ever quit being winter?

This is almost May! Our area had better have one hell of a good summer after all this horrible winter!
-credits-k hadfield, sande krieger, font gf halda

Yesterday, when we ran up to Priest River with the kids' Cougar on the trailer to get it Titled & Registered, Greg was filling out his paperwork to title another vehicle. He signed & dated the paperwork and proceeded to hand it back to the agent. She noticed that right away that the date was incorrect - he had written down MAY! I laughed and told her that he has early Alzheimer's and it is getting worse every day. She had him change it and he then wrote down M.A.Y. to M.A.H. so that nobody would notice it-when I asked him why change it to an H, he looked at me blandly. I told him that abbreviation for March is M.A.R. and he could have added just an R. over the Y which would have been very simple.

His hearing is going, too. When we were getting ready to leave, I asked him where the dog was? He answered "Yeah, the tie-downs are all secure. We can go now!"

If I didn't laugh about it all, I'd probably cry.

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