Greg continued sitting around the house, with his nurse (me) attending to his every want and desire.
Finally arising from the recliner on Saturday morning, he ventured forth to play with his friends down at the shop; Wow. A break. I finally got a rest period for a while. Actually, his friends made him rest in the recliner they have installed in the shop while they worked on their own projects.
So I puttered around the house on Saturday doing a little cleaning. With looking after him for so long, the house tended to get a little messy.
On Sunday, we took garbage to the dump, got lattes, went to Farragut Park to pick up new park passes, and stopped in Bayview to view all the new construction.
*My Canon Powershot S2 decided to bite the dust over the weekend. This is a problem as I have
learned from searching the www. Obviously, after 2 years, the darn things just quit working. It had not been taking really great pics on the Euro trip, but I thought that was just me. It wasn't. It was the camera that was dying.

So now off to Costco to find what cameras they have so I can get a brand new one. The only bad thing is that I fear this is the curse of the appliances. First the camera, what next? The TV or the Washer/Dryer?
I had an S1 IS that went out just after Christmas after I'd had it for 3.5 years. Though the warranty was far past, Canon replaced it FREE. I called the support number found on a web forum, told them my serial # and the problem. They sent me a label for free shipping and sent me back an S5!! in less than 2 weeks. It takes much better pics (though I am totally an amateur), see my photo blog.
Sorry to hear about your camera dying :( I have the S3 and totally am love with it.
Glad Greg is on the mend, at least mending enough to get out of the house!
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