Thursday, March 13, 2008

Ho Hum

It's that time of year, where the snow is melting - - but not fast enough; the rain is coming down; and it is slightly cool. Just a depressing time.

Greg ran into Spoky-Jo with Joe to see if they could talk to a guy that specializes in Mustangs.

Tonight, we have to go to get the oil changed in the truck for the trip. Hubby doesn't want to mess with the oil changes as it is so much cheaper (and cleaner-he doesn't get oily) for the automotive place to do it. So, while they are getting the oil changed, we can pick up necessities.

I made homemade croissants from scratch yesterday for dinner. Yum. That smelled delicious througout the house.

A painter came to give an estimate for painting the interior of the house. Hope he can do it before the kids come in June.

I made clocks & moon brushes. Am obsessed with Grandfather Clocks; and I am hoping that Greg's dad will give his to us some day soon.

Moons & Clocks

1 comment:

shawnyrvr said...

These are totally AWESOME Bob!!! THANKS so MUCH!!!! very very very cool! Blessings!