Monday, March 31, 2008

Math Should Be Eliminated from School

Damn. I try to subtract one little year. One little year. And get called out!

WHY did I ever allow her to take Math classes at school.

Forever - - when she was young the question, "Mommy, how old are you?" my response could be "26."

I liked 26. 26 was a good year for me. 26 was youthful. Nothing was hurting at 26. 26 was a year with good memories.

Like Dick Clark, I was stuck in that Fountain of Youth Time Warp which everyone searches for and only few can find...

...but then she started being able to add+ and subtract- then my life became a mess of explaining how I was getting younger as she was getting older.

Pretty soon, I was telling her that I was only 2 years old when I gave birth.

But when that didn't work, I started trying to shave years off my daughter's age.

Obviously, those math teachers succeeded beyond their wildest dreams. Because she has seen through my lousy attempt again.

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