Sunday, May 16, 2021


Up at 6AM when the alarm rang. Hubby was on the sofa looking thru his iPad.
I got up, dressed, made the bed. Hubby let the dogs out for potty.
He warmed up breakfast egg bake for the dogs while I made lattes & Nanogreens.
Casey was up by 6:30AM. 
 We talked a little with Casey. Made sure he had all his clothes and things before he left. 

Tater, Casey, and Hubby left at 7:15AM for Vegas. Hubby took Casey to the airport and was going to wash the truck at the Semi truck wash in Vegas. 

Hubby called and said that he was going to the shop with his brother so they could clean up from yesterday and helped Jose with the folding chairs and tables.

I did bookwork. Had breakfast sausage and watched TV for a while. I feel exhausted.

Washed laundry. Washed dishes. Put away clean laundry. Remade the spare bedroom bedding and vacuumed. 

Cleaned up cat litter. Cleaned up kitchen counter. 

I got the 2020 Taxes ready to mail on Monday. 

Watched TV. 

Tried to find the rest of my chicken sandwich and fries, but realized that Hubby had put it in with the dog food for breakfast this morning. 
Hubby was still at the shop, waiting for Jose to come. I told him that I was hungry. 
Finally, at 3PM, Hubby and his brother came home. We decided to eat at Casa Cafe. 
We left the dogs in the house and did not put them in their kennel.
Drove in brother-in-law's truck. Nobody was wearing masks at the Casino. 

We got seated immediately. I ordered Filet & Lobster. Hubby got the special Turkey dinner, BIL got Asian food special.

We ate and then lingered talking. 

Hubby paid for dinner. BIL NEVER PAYS.

Then we had to drive all over Mesquite. Ended up at neighbor and had to show BIL all over the neighborhood and new developments. He actually STOPS the vehicle and has to talk. We finally got home at 6:30PM. I had to potty really bad. 

They talked for the rest of the night in the living room. I went to bed at 9PM. 

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