Sunday, December 13, 2020


Up at 7AM. Hubby actually slept late in the bed. He had gotten up at 3AM to potty and put Wilson in the bed, under the covers. Wilson slept with us until 5AM. Then he jumped down.
I made the bed. Hubby made eggs for dogs.
I made lattes and Nanogreens. Hubby fed the dogs.  

Then Hubby cleaned the cat litter. I went outside to give fresh water to the birds. The water in the bowl was SLUSHY FROZEN! There were lots of birds out there this morning.

I picked up dog poo. It was frozen. Was 30 degrees last night. Brrrr.

Then I ate breakfast baked egg. 

Hubby got ready and wore LONG PANTS FOR THE FIRST TIME THIS WINTER. He took his sweatshirt and wore a long-sleeve flannel shirt for his ride. I stayed home with the dogs. I don't like cold.

I wrapped more Xmas boxes for decor on the kitchen cabinets. I put pumpkins away in the closet in Totes that Hubby had gotten for me before he left. 

I worked on the Business plan again, but dogs were wanting to go outside, barked, and I had to attend to them. 

Sewed string to hang on my little fabric Xmas trees. Maybe I can send them out for Xmas cards?

NOBODY HAS SENT ANY XMAS CARDS THIS YEAR. No charities, no banks, no businesses, no stores, no friends, no relatives. This year sucks.

Hubby got home at 2:45PM from his ride. He was really cold. Changed clothes.

I made a new Egg Nog latte for him with alcohol. 

Then we ordered Panda Express and used our coupon to order via the Panda Express APP to use our free bowl, but they would not let us use our $30 gift certificate to pay. Had to use Credit Card. 

Went to get our food, they had it listed under Hubby's name because we used his credit card to order, but it was MY APP that the account was under. Was really fucked.

At home, we ate. I took a nap from 4-6PM on the sofa. 

 Fortune From Cookie

At 6PM, Hubby got up and took a shower. He gave Tater a bath. We turned down the bed. I washed Wilson's butt because he he poop all over it. We will give him a bath tomorrow. It is too dark, cold, and late to blow dry him outside.

Hubby changed my teeth o-rings.
I put together snowman mitten, domino ornaments for Vera R to send her tomorrow. I totally forgot until now.
I took a hot bath at 9:15PM. 
Went to bed at 10PM. Hubby had cramps in his leg, so I had to massage it

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