Friday, November 08, 2019



Got up at 5:45AM. Had a difficult night. Potty 3 times in the night; chest paint near breastbone making it difficult to breathe. Nightmares.

I made the bed and curled my hair. Wore my "Fall" sweatshirt that I ordered from Zulily.

Hubby made eggs for dogs & fed them. I made lattes.

I watered Dwarf Bottlebrush and new tree out front.

Stupid California neighbors left their front lights on the house on ALL NIGHT LONG. I wish they would leave.

I drive Hubby down to the Shop so that he can meet Lupe. Lupe is driving to SEMA. Lupe had a really colorful shirt on like Hubby's Hawaiian shirt. They looked like twins! Lupe seemed really happy to attend SEMA.

I drive over to Starbucks and get their special Holiday Season Latte - Caramel Bruelee. Then I found 3 new cups and purchase them; 1 silver, 1 red, then a turkey Panini. I go back inside to get the Holiday cup. Yippee for me.

I drive home. Unload everything. Let the dogs outside to potty. Tater barks at some little dogs walking by with a gentleman that asks what kind of dog Wilson is, as I explain - Tater barks. I have to put him inside.

Take my meds. Vacuum. Start laundry.

Did laundry.

Sat with the puppies outside. Next door neighbor is SO IRRITATING. AND RUDE. He screamed out "FUCK" when I was outside picking up dog poo. They are fucking weird. Wish they would leave.

Could not nap even tho I was exhausted.

Watched HOUSE and Endeavour.

Kerry started chatting with me about the autoimmune diseases.

Hubby got home at 7:30PM. He rang the front door.

Hubby had a snack then sat on the sofa and watched TV to wind down. Stupid neighbors had their lights on again so I went to bed and watched TV on my iPhone.

Hubby came to bed at 10PM.

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