Friday, July 05, 2019



Woke up at 5:30AM and turned the fan up a little bit as it was warm in our bedroom. Went back to sleep until 6:30AM.

Hubby let the dogs out and made eggs.

I got up and made the bed. Then I made lattes. I warmed up my eggs from yesterday.

We ate in the courtyard, listening to music from "Paint Your Wagon".

Hubby picked up cat litter. I put away breakfast dishes & started dishwasher.

Hubby got dressed & I started washing machine.

I picked up dog litter. It was only 80 degrees outside, so I thought we could take a quick SXS ride on the Mesa.

We hurriedly put Tater in his kennel and drove up on the Mesa in the SXS.

Went from 9AM to 11AM. I got sunburnt on my legs again. Stopped to see the flag. It was frayed a bit. Did not see the horses.

Ride On The Mesa
Got back home at 11AM.

Let the dogs outside to play. It was hot, so they came back inside to have snacks.

I took a 2 hour nap.

Woke up and got ready to go swimming/exercising.

I went to get mail.

We left at 5PM to go swimming. I exercised for 40 minutes, then joined Hubby in the pool.

Met a new lady named Pam. Dave & Carment were back from vacation and we talked with them. They had just attended the Coffee Chat t the Pioneer Center. Lady that hosted it was quite nasty to several of the homeowners. Nonsense about the pool activities. Nonsense about watering with sewage water. Nothing was resolved. Useless HOA.

So we left at 7PM to go take the dogs to the Dog Park.

Drove home, changed clothes.

Took dogs to dog park. Tater saw another CHUNKY pitbull dog! He played with him and ran. I took Wilson to the little dog park, but there was nobody there. The little dogs are SO tiny and irritating. So we transferred to the other fenced area and played with the pitbull - Diesel and Tater.

Diesel, Tater, Wilson (left to right)

Then a lot of other dogs came. Tater & Wilson were quite tired, so we left at 7:45PM.

Drove home. Had to stop for Orange Juice at Walmart. I stayed in the truck with the dogs while Hubby ran to get Green tea & Orange Juice.

At home, dogs had lots to drink and fell asleep.

Went to bed at 9:30PM. All of us were exhausted.

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