Friday, September 07, 2018



Quite a week!

Moving and lots of things happening.

SATURDAY September 1 2018

My lower left back is still hurting. So it is horrible sitting for an extended period in the truck.

We get up late. So very tired.

Load up dogs and cat in the Blue diesel. Drive to Rathdrum to pick up Jitterz lattes.

At our home in Athol, we trade trucks and get in the Tan truck. Hubby does last minute adjustments to the vehicle & trailer.

Then we head out on the road.

Hubby thinks he forgot his billfold at KR’s, but finds it when we stop for fuel at Costco.

Finally get out of town by about 11AM.

Stop in Kellogg to get lunch at Burger Place. Hubby walks across the street to get another Latte from coffee stand.

On the road, we stop often to walk dogs.

Stop for the night in Butte, Montana. We stay at the La Quinta Inn because they are pet friendly.

La Quinta Butte, Montana

Walk dogs. Haul the cat inside the room. It is an extremely small room and I keep hitting my shins on the bed.

We send out for food via a delivery service. Specialty sandwiches from someplace.

Take showers.

Go to bed early as we are exhausted.

SUNDAY September 2 2018

Up early and walk dogs.

Eat a great egg breakfast at the hotel.

We are on the road again after fueling up.

Hubby notices the left rear brake caliper is grinding. He pulls over on the interstate to beat on it to get it to loosen. Makes me get in the driver’s seat to hit the brakes repeatedly.


Get gas a lot. Stop to take dogs for walks.

It takes 3 hours to drive thru Salt Lake City & neighboring area.

Finally get to Cedar City and we are ready to stop for the night. Cannot drive thru as it is too far.

We stop at La Quinta again and get a bigger room which is on the corner of the hotel, 2nd floor. We can see the truck & trailer from the window on the corner. The cat likes this room as he can run around and play, look out the windows.

 La Quinta Cedar City

Go over to Jack-In-The-Box across the interstate to have dinner. It is right by a dental office in the shape of a Lighthouse. We walk the dogs there.

Back to the hotel. Not much place to park as there is a huge semi parked in the lot and the lot is wrapped around a hill. Need to make a complaint about this to the hotel.

Take showers. Go to bed.

MONDAY September 3, 2018

Up early again. We have an egg breakfast again. Not as good eggs as yesterday. There was a nice hotel employee woman that was cleaning all the tables that talked to us. She had her hair in a braid and I complimented her about it. She offered to braid my hair. I declined.

On the road after getting Starbucks. Hubby stayed with the truck on the side street and checked the brakes again.

Got fuel.

Drove to Mesquite. Got there about Noon.

Walked the dogs at the Doggy Park in our neighborhood.

Then opened our house and looked thru it for the first time. Not Bad. We were expecting much worse. We actually got the straight ceilings instead of everything curved. Yippee. I hate curved.

Couple minor things wrong and damage to some doors, but not bad.

We started unloading. I could not help much with my sore back, but hubby brought totes inside and I unloaded them.

We both carried in our queen metal bed and set it up in the spare bedroom. We will sleep there until we get our master bedroom set.

Keep unloading.

Met lots of neighbors.

Walked dogs lots of times.

Went down to Del Taco in town to have dinner.

Nothing to sit on except for the barstools we brought from home.

We were tired, so decided to take showers in our new walk-in shower and go to bed early.

TUESDAY September 4, 2018

My back was still hurting. Taking aspirin.

Up early.

Can’t find anything. So disorganized.

Walk dogs in doggy park.

Unloading again.

Decide to leave dogs & cat at home so we drive to St George for parts to fix the brakes on truck. Take the trailer off the truck.

We go to Costco and pick up towels & necessities.

Stop at O’Reilly’s where hubby transfers his account info here. He gets brake parts.

Eat at Wendy’s.

Drive back to Mesquite.

Unload stuff. Walk dogs.

More neighbors come over to visit. Nancy brings over Waldorf Salad, which is the best thing we have ever eaten. We have no fridge, so we have to eat it all.

WEDNESDAY September 5 2018

Up early again and unloading.

We go down to Walmart to pick up a latte machine and pods.

Walking dogs all day long.

Hubby does such a great job of unloading and organizing totes in the garage. He finally gets the trailer unloaded late today.
The landscaper recommended by Dee & John comes at 1PM to give us a quote on doing our backyard. He said he cannot get to it for 2-4 weeks. Needs to squeeze it in between a big job. We tell him to go ahead and do it.

Hubby makes many phone calls about utilities, phone, garbage, water, internet.

Internet subcontractor is here during the day to pull fiber from the buried splice box up the street. He was here most of the afternoon.

We find out that the garbage department did not get a copy of our deed which I send in the email to them.

We have to drive down to the City Building to take a copy of the deed to them.

Domino’s Pizza delivery for dinner tonight.

We are exhausted and take showers with our new Costco towels. Need to get more of them!

Walk dogs several times.

Bed at 9PM.

THURSDAY September 6, 2018

My back is still hurting. But getting better.

Unpacking totes inside house. Putting things away.

The Fence guy from Branding Iron comes at 10AM to give us a quote. We give him a deposit to do the fence. The neighbor next to us is going to split the cost of his side of the fence with us! Yippee. Neighbors being nice. Hopefully, he does come thru with it.

Hubby thinks the quote should be about 1 / 2 of what we get. They are really making an excessive amount of money from the retirees here.

Got our new GARBAGE CAN. We also took a load of garbage to the dump.

We went to do laundry in town. Talked to some woman there. Hubby was on the phone talking. Then we left after about 45 minutes.

Went to get groceries at Smith’s.

Picked up Roberto’s Tacos on the way home.

More unpacking things.

Walked dogs.

We were exhausted again and went to bed early.

FRIDAY September 7 2018

Up early to take dogs for a walk. I make lattes for everybody. Hubby makes eggs for the dogs. We are keeping milk & eggs in the mini fridge he brought from home. Plugged into the garage outlet.

We keep unpacking.

Meet more neighbors.

Walk dogs lots of times.

We install the TV that we purchased at Costco. UPS brought the wall mount that I ordered. The TV is very heavy. Hubby drills holes in the wall in the wrong places. We have to take it down twice to plug in the wires we forgot. Hate being stupid old.

Wilson pees in the office room. We have to yell at him.

At Noon, the TDS guy comes to install the Internet.

We hook up our computer. Ty’s computer is NOT wireless. So we are pissed. Called the guy back in CDA and he mumbles about they are all wireless. Bring it back in and they will fix it.

So we have to hook up the old computer.

Finally pulled out our camping chairs and sat in them. Pulled up totes to put our legs up on.

Hubby had to meet Dave today at 5PM to give him a rent deposit check. He was back by 6:30PM.

We watched tv for a while.

Walked dogs. Went to bed at 9PM after showers.

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