APRIL 29 2018
Got up at 7AM upon hearing hubby get up.
Hubby made eggs for dogs & himself.
I made latte for hubby.
Cupcake & Card for 60th Birthday
Received email from hubby's brother regarding Trust. Not good info.
Hubby watched Automotive shows for a while.
Went to KR's house. Called Bruce from there. Long discussion about Trust.
Drove to our home.
Dropped Beebo off at our house.
Drove to Super One in Athol. KR got zucchini. We looked at the Growler station.
Drove north to Hope Floating Restaurant at 3PM. Got there at almost 4PM.

Dinner at Restaurant
Went to the car wash. Washed Wilson first, put him in the truck. Washed Ben next.
Some old guy came in to get his jacket and started yelling at us about locking the door "in a public place". He would not let us out of the room, he proceeded to fight with hubby. I tried to break it up and got thrown. Then I took the dog and my cell phone in my jacket and called 9-1-1. There was a police car with a policewoman giving a ticket to a car just at the end of the car wash driveway. I ran over there to ask her to come over.
Fire Engine & Ambulance and 2 Patrol Cars resonded
So she came over, separated the two; questioned them.
Then I sat in the truck with the dogs. The police questioned me.
Afterwards, we drove over to KR's house to calm down. The officer came and took pictures of hubby's injuries.
We drove home. Hubby took aspirins at home. I took a hot bath.
We went to bed at 11PM.
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