Saturday, January 28, 2017



Hubby woke up at the crack of dawn as usual. He turned on TV and started watching his shows. This woke me up because of the light from the television.

He made tuna for the cats & cleaned up their litter.

Then he made eggs for the dogs. They were runny, he mixed eggs & tomatoes together in the blender. Yuck. Had to thicken it up with mashed potato mix. Gave Bud TWO painkillers.

Bud is still limping around and won't use his right rear leg.

 Rattler on Dog Bed
 Rattler on Couch
Rattler spread out on couch

Then hubby took a nap on the couch. I had tea, water, & chicken salad for breakfast.

While hubby was napping, we watched Alton Brown. Then I went outside to feed the moose. Took out bread, carrots, spinach, cinnamon rolls, sweet potatoes. Refilled the grain. Took out more apples.

I brought in a couple buckets so we can fill them with water for her.

I picked up all the garbage and put it out in bags on the deck so we can go to the garbage dump.

Then I started laundry & dishes.

Baked more turkey bacon in the oven.

Hubby went down to the shop in Post Falls to work for a while.

He came back later and met some people here at the shop.

We both sat in the Sauna and went to bed.


Got up early.

Gave ham to the dogs, gave Buddy extra painkillers.

Bud was still limping this morning, but his swelling had gone down a lot.

I cleaned up cat litter and gave them Tuna.

Took the Jeep in to CDA to eat at Jimmy's Down The Street. Hubby had Biscuits & Gravy, but the gravy had no sausage in it and no taste. I got the cinnamon roll with a side of eggs & sausage. It was ok, but too huge. I shared my sausage with hubby.

We took home leftovers.

Eggs & Bacon

  Biscuits & Gravy

Drove over to Spokane and went to the RV Show at the Convention center. Got in there at 10AM. Found out that it was a sales promo for Click It RV in north Spokane. Only about 6 Class C RVs that we could look at; and a salesman glommed on to us and would not leave us alone.

We had to get drinks of water & hubby got an apple & some Red Vines because he got shaky.

We finally left at Noon. My knee was hurting and hubby desperately needed a latte.

Stopped at Dagny's on the way out of town. Also stopped at North 40 to see if they had dewormer paste for Jack. Seems that Jack has been rubbing his butt on the ground and hubby thinks he has worms.

Drove home. Was exhausted.

Decided to stay home and not take dogs for a walk in town. I had a nap on the couch, put my feet in hubby's lap. He napped in the recliner chair.

Scaredy, Max, Rattler
Koda Napping on Couch

No moose tonight.

We watched Shenandoah on AMC.

I cleaned up the cat litter tonight. Vacuumed the bathroom and the carpet in the basement.

Both of us spent 30 minutes in the Sauna and then took showers afterwards. It made us sleep so much better.

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