Saturday, April 23, 2016

Cloudy & Rain


Got up at 7AM because hubby had his alarm on and it rang.

Hubby made eggs for dogs and I helped feed Wilson. He stood on the counter while I held the bowl.

Bud got his done early and went to share with Ben.

We watched TV for a little while because it was only 45 degrees and cloudy. Finally at 9:00, it was a little warmer. We put on jeans and sweatshirts to walk the dogs. Drove to Athol and picked up a latte for hubby.

Walked in the camping area and it was still not cleaned up. Lots of pollen & pine needles on the ground from the rain storm last night.

We drove back home. Several people texted and water a boat & camper out of storage.

Hubby went down to the shop at 11-2, taking my Jeep to remove the vehicles because his Forklift is still broken. Needs new transmission.

Dogs and I stayed in the house and watched tv.

Hubby came back around 2:30 and said we needed to deliver parts to Dave 2.0 at Frontier. We drove into town with my Jeep and dropped off Dave's part. Then we drove to Jitterz to get lattes. Drove up around the Rimrock to see if there was any property up there for sale.

Drove to Walmart and got some groceries. Hubby got windshield washer fluid and I got lotion for my feet.

Drove home. Took the dogs for another walk in the park in the Dually.

On the way home, we stopped at Country Boy Cafe (formerly Grey Goose) to have dinner. I had Chicken Fried Steak while hubby ordered well-done Prime Rib which came out raw. The salads were only there for 2 minutes before they brought out the dinner. We had Coconut Cream Pie for dessert.

Hubby gave $20 to a couple of guys with kids at another table by running back inside to give it to our waiter. The kids were well-behaved and hubby did a Random Act of Kindness.

At  home, I was exhausted and we went to bed at 9:30 after watching Archer. Hubby had already fallen asleep on the couch. I had to wake him up to go to bed!

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