Saturday, January 16, 2016

Just Another Saturday Alone


Too many sleeping pills last night slowed down my circulation, so my hands hurt all night and I STILL did not get good sleep.

Woodpecker beating on the side of the house all morning.

Ben was whining too much and tried to sleep on my leg, so I pushed him off the bed. Lil Bit got into bed with me around 7:30AM.

Slept in late until 10:30AM.

Got up and did laundry.

It was lightly snowing, but coming down steadily. I shoveled the dog deck. By 3PM, it was totally covered again.

Ordered Writing Reports online for the courses that I missed so that I can get credit.

Had salad for lunch.

Cleaned dishes.


Took a hot bath for my soreness.

Hubby came home at 6:30PM.

He had dinner. We watched tv until bedtime.

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