Saturday, November 07, 2015



Was up at 1AM last night with endometriosis pains. Took a hot bath and several aspirin. Up again several times in the night. Had to open the window because I was so hot.

Hubby was up at 8AM to make eggs & sausage for the dogs.

Hubby was still really sick and sat on the couch all day covered up with blankets.

I went down to get him a hot latte. Also stopped and got lottery tickets & milk at Lil Town Market.

When I came back, I did dishes. I did laundry. Washed dog beds and put them on again.

I billed a couple customers for storage.

Went down to pay Mark for the weekend and picked up the mail.

My brother had written me.

We watched Archer re-runs. Then we watched a game show called IdiotTest. 

Hubby sat on the couch all day. I kept him wrapped up in lots of blankets. He had several bowls of chicken noodle soup. I baked biscuits with butter for him.

I ordered some shirts from H&M. Did more laundry. Put away dishes.

Went to bed at 10:00. I was tired.

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