Tuesday, October 06, 2015



Got up at 7AM just as hubby was leaving for work. Kissed him goodbye and he cleaned my windshield before he left.

Dressed for school. Packed everything in the Jeep. Took all the birthday present and birthday decor for Tierzah's bday.

Drove to Walmart and picked up groceries. Needed laundry soap & rinse. Picked up dog meat & hotdogs on sale. Picked up more bird seed. Had to potty 3 times at the store with diarrhea. Too much healthy eating only Pita Salads. Cut back to lose weight.

Some Idiot Parks TOO Close

 Halloween Egg Nog???

Then went to school. Was behind Mark at the light on 41.

At school, we were assigned to a different room because the New class started today.

I failed the Kines test. Had to correct it to 74%. It was awful. No time to study because of changing rooms.

After class, Katie was not here today or for Clinic so I could not get my massage. I cancelled my tan appointment and picked up a Pita salad. Made deposit at bank.  Then drove home.

Picked up the mail. Mostly junk. Unloaded groceries. Unloaded school books.

Changed dog food & water. Fed deer. Fed birds new bird food.

I did Notecards homework for Pathology.

Hubby came home and we took the dogs for a walk in the park. Had to leash them up because a car was driving thru the park very fast.

Stopped for milk at Lil Town on the way home. Saw a cop pull over a Jeep. Had to wait for a train.

At home, hubby made dinner for himself. Cleaned up dog water again. Cleaned up Ben's bloody tail trail everywhere

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