Saturday, April 18, 2015

SUNNY Saturday


Woke up at 7:00 AM. After Maggie's foray downstairs for a drink of water & potty at 2AM, I was able to go back to sleep!

Hubby was already up and watched tv on mute.

I got up and dressed. Took my meds.

Hubby made eggs for dogs. I helped him feed them.

Then he got dressed. We loaded the dogs & drove to get him an espresso. I got a Strawberry Italian Ice. Made my tummy feel good.

Drove to the park. We were going to walk on the Gun Range Road, but some people were walking down the road so we went further to the Water Treatment area triangle.

All the dogs jumped out without leashes, so it was fun getting them on leashes. The Excursion stank so we had to take out all the food from last week we had left in there to air it out.

Walked. Maggie was slow as usual. Gave dogs a drink of water at the vehicle.

Loaded everybody in. Hubby put the food out for animals.

Drove home.

Unloaded dogs. Bit & Ben took off down the drive. Hubby and I drove down to get them after I unloaded Maggie, Bud & Bravo into the house.

I got out of the vehicle at the shop to look for them. Hubby went down the road to where Ben has been going after the dead deer body. Of course, that is where the were. I walked down the road to try to assist. Lil Bit kept playing "keep away" from hubby. But he finally got him loaded by the time I walked up there.

Hubby was really mad at both dogs. They had almost gotten run over.

Drove back to the house. Unloaded dogs carefully.

Hubby went to the shop to work.

I made bacon, vacuumed, washed blankets on our bed.

Hubby came home at 5PM.

We watched The Hustler starring Paul Newman. Hubby looked online for Jeeps for KRN.

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