Saturday, January 03, 2015

A New Snow Day


Got up out of bed and hubby was already downstairs on the couch with Bud & Lil Bit. Bit had left the bed in the middle of the night.

Hubby started making eggs along with the leftover dog grog. We fed the dogs. Yum. Then watched a home improvement tv show while hubby got dressed.

Drove to get lattes; took dogs down for a walk in the park. We walked on the West side where the ranger had driven thru. Easier to walk thru deep snow in tire tracks. Had to park the Excursion on the outside of the park. They already have the gates shut now.

I had diarrhea because of the latte. It was awful. Bud liked romping thru the deep snow.

We drove to Bayview to feed ducks, but found no geese or ducks down there. Speculated that maybe they are hiding because of the bad weather coming?

Saw lots of eagles! I got a picture with my DSLR camera.

Eagle in Bayview

On the way home, hubby called O'Reilley's Auto Parts to order a steering box for the Excursion. He worked with Mark at the shop to put that on while I went home with the dogs and cleaned the house.

Fed the deer.

Then I took the Red Dually with Bud & Ben in the back seat down to the shop and picked hubby up so we could go into Post Falls and test drive the Blue Jeep Cherokee owned by Randy at Les Schwab. Hubby had to stop at Jitterz and get another latte! Caffeine habit! We had to eat at Willie's BBQ because Randy had gone to lunch. Then we went back and test drove it. I did not like it because the steering was sloppy.

I remembered we had to stop at Ziggy's to pick up the final piece for the basement pellet stove. Went in the store to potty while hubby paid for the pipe. We drove home along snowy Diagonal.

At home, I dropped off hubby at the shop. He worked on repairing the steering on the Excursion for a while, then came to the house with the Excursion so that we could drive Mark & his dog Jack home.

I got in the front seat and we drove to CDA & dropped Mark & Jack off. Then we had to go get lattes again at Jitterz. It took the stupid blonde girl 3 times to get my drink correctly. The third time, she ran in the back of the store and made the other girl fix it.

Hubby wanted to go look at Jeep Rubicons at Dave Smith Motors, so we drove over there. Met Garrett, the salesman there and drove 2 Jeeps with him. Looked a couple others. Hubby was enthused about this polar ice blue edition 2014 because he wanted a bigger rear end if we were going to purchase one. The blue one drove really well, was fully loaded, and sound-proofed. I really liked it. Low mileage, too.

At 6:15, we finally left and went over to Best Buy because I finally talked hubby into getting a iPad. He said we really needed it because the iPhones are too small for internet searching. There was a virus on the iPad mini and a salesman came over to fix it, but hubby obviously liked the size of the iPad Air a lot better. We will add one to our Verizon account.

Picked up burgers at Wendy's for the dogs. Drove home and gave them burgers. Watched tv & I went to bed at 11:00. Hubby had problems sleeping and did not come to bed until 2:30.

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