Friday, July 18, 2014

Foster Dog- Day 4


Got up at 4AM and went to wash chicken poop off the steps; took KoKo out for a walk to potty; gave her fresh water.

Then I went back to bed until 5:55AM. Hubby got up and took a shower. I started breakfast for everybody. Gave KoKo some cheese, eggs, turkey bacon, ham, and bread for her meal. She really needs to gain weight.

Hubby took the Excursion in to drop it off at Pat the Detailer and then pick up his new Dually that Pat had cleaned.

I did 3 loads of laundry and 2 loads of dishes from yesterday when we did not have water. I also filled the dog water barrel in the back, filled the evaporated water from the fish tank, and started filling the pond in front again.

The smoke in the air keeps getting worse from the awful fires over in the middle of Washington; Leavenworth, Entiat, Brewster, Pateros.

KRN texted that it was dropping ash over by Spokane.

I microwaved more turkey bacon and grilled some cheesy hot dogs.

Also fed KoKo again. Gave her chicken, cheese, mayo, cream cheese, and bread mixed up with gravy. Should be filling her up. She really likes to drink water.

The girl from the rescue called me. We made arrangements for their Foster to take the dog.

Took her on several walks. She REALLY wants to get into the pond!

Then the daughter-in-law called me. Lots of Drama. WTF is WRONG with 20-30 something year olds? Doesn't she have enough to be busy with moving without creating more drama about the dog? I WILL NEVER DO ANOTHER FAVOR FOR ANYBODY AGAIN. NO MORE DOGS.

I called the mother-in-law and told her that I had already made arrangements to take the dog to Rescue and would NOT be returning it to her daughter-in-law. She was quite distressed to hear that her daughter-in-law was creating this drama.

Walked down to get the mail but it was nothing but junk.

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