Friday, May 02, 2014

More Cleaning


I really can't believe it is May already. The first of the year just rushed by us!

Woke up at 5:30; the sun is already up by that time and I can't sleep. It is already warm in the house, so I get up and open all the doors & windows.

Hubby gets up at 6:00. I started breakfast eggs. He goes down to the shop to get the power washer, then drives into town to get gasoline for it.

When he comes back to the house, he unloads the power washer and has to fix the step on the deck.

After he leaves for work, I power-wash the rugs. So much winter dirt on them.

When I come back inside the house, Ben has thrown up on the dining room floor. His poor upset tummy. Poor little dog. He has always had problems with his tummy.

I feed the fish. They really need to come outside this weekend.

The KEC guys come at 8:00 and take down the poles. Lil Bit barks at them for quite a while. An older KEC guy is working the backhoe. He dicks around in the dirt piling it up for almost 30 minutes. He does not know how to run a backhoe. Idiots.

I do laundry & dishes.

Hubby comes home at 7:30; he did not get my contacts again. He forgot to get milk. He took Ben & Bud with him down to Lil Town Market to get milk.

I hurt so badly after cleaning all day that I had to take a painkiller. Was really tired after that.

When he got back, he fell asleep on the couch. I watched some of Hannibal then went to bed.

I asked hubby to take out the window air conditioner and close the window, but he dropped it out of the window & broke it. We went to sleep. Will pick it up tomorrow.

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