Thursday, July 18, 2013

ANOTHER Summer Day


Hubby got up REALLY early this morning. Wish he would learn to sleep until the alarm rings. The dogs got up with him and I slept until the alarm rang.

Bit had peed on the dust ruffle on our bed trying to keep Maggie away, so we had to take that off and clean it. Hubby helped me lift up the mattress.

Then I made breakfast sandwich & latte for hubby. Made eggs for dogs.

Hubby put gasoline in new lawn mower.

I started mowing around 8:00. The lawn mower would not stay running, so hubby will have to look at it.

Came inside and did washing. Did dishes and put them away.

Made chocolate muffins later.

Temperature made it up to 100F degrees again.

Went down to get mail with Bud, but there was nothing there.

Bud was quite out of breath & hot when he returned. He settled down in front of the fan & cooled off. The swamp cooler kept it pretty cool today.

Hubby came home around 6:00 and then went down to the shop to work.

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