Friday, September 07, 2012

Another Acupuncture

Made hubby his morning latte. He is on-call this week for work so he has been driving his work truck home.

Dogs were excited to say goodbye to daddy today.

I washed dishes & did laundry. Made beds.

Then at 1:30 I went into town for my 2:00 Acupuncture appointment.

I am feeling much better going to the Dr. I highly recommend acupuncture for anybody.

Stopped in Rathdrum on the way home to get cheeseburgers for dogs.

The puppies were very happy to have me home.

Hubby came home late as he had an emergency cut cable at work that lasted overtime.

We got our lunch ready for tomorrow. Got the bikes all ready to go. Hubby put the bike rack on the FMF.

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