Monday, March 26, 2012


Worked all day on filing our taxes. I did not get a chance to exercise and that sucks. It makes me feel awful now. And I did not drink enough today. Too many times to the potty & I don't get anything done!

Hubby felt even worse today, but went in to work anyway. I had to drive him because he is ON CALL this week. He drove home the work truck.

I stopped to get a latte for him and new girl Kathy was working. She is slightly dumb. This is the one that lied and said she had car problems last Friday and never opened.

Anyway, hubby took in to work the pies that I made last week. He said everybody texted him saying "thank you".

Took pie over to Vera & Dave. Vera's teeth are still hurting and Dave was limping around because his back is hurting him. Poor worn out friends!

It alternatively rained, sleeted, and snowed again today. The weather is very odd lately. I had to go out and shovel 1" of snow off both decks again. Poo.

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