Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Clean Freak

The hubby accused me via text Tuesday of being a clean freak. I did vacuum the FMF & Dodge today while cleaning both of them from top to bottom. He wants me to get the Mustang out and clean it also, but I used a whole bottle of Fantastic just cleaning the two cars. Have to get more cleaner. I am not green.

Watered plants. Froggy is missing. Have not seen him for the last 2 days. Think he might have gotten eaten by the birds. Poor little froggy. KRL-N and I might have to get more frogs at Frogs-R-Us when we shop on Thursday. KRL-N is coming over on Wednesday to stay a while.

DaraLee is now open at the latte stand until 6PM. Thank god. I can now latte til late at night!

Took the dogs for the Wild Dog Walk at 7:00 when hubby came home. However, Bud & Harriet decided to run off into the woods & panic us. They were both missing for over 25 minutes. Finally they came back to the road in separate directions. Both of them were panting so much it looked like they would have heart attacks.

FREEZING cold tonight. How it can be summer & still be so cold...I don't understand. 60 degrees F.

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